Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Leadership in a Multicultural World - syllabus

Presbytery of San Francisco's
Education Center
Leadership Training Classes

Course Title: Leadership in a Multicultural World
March 17-18, 2017 - Friday night 7-10pm, Saturday 9am-4pm
@ the Presbytery of San Francisco Education Center and Administrative Office

Eric H. F. Law

Course Description:
This course will increase the students’ intercultural competency for leadership in a multicultural world.
Topics to explore includes:
  • What is culture, and why are there cultural differences?
  • Cultural differences and their impacts on our congregational leadership
  • Power dynamics in multicultural environments
  • Theological reflection on leadership in a multicultural diverse context
  • Skill, models and processes for building inclusive community
  • Developing a spirituality for leadership in a diverse, changing world

Required Texts:
Eric H. F. Law, The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb, Chalice Press, 1992
(Spanish version available through the Kaleidoscope Institute. Email:

Recommended Resources:
Eric H. F. Law, The Bush Was Blazing But Not Consumed, Chalice Press, 1996

Course Requirements:
  1. Complete Required Reading
  2. Attendance at class session

  1. Read all required books before the start of class.
  2. Attend and participate in all class sessions.
  3. Final Project:
  1. Using the skills and models from this course, create a project involving at least 8 people from diverse backgrounds in the context of your own ministry.
  2. The project needs to have the following elements:
    1. At least 3-5 hours of contact with the group.
    2. A carefully designed process using the skills and tools learned in the course.
    3. Evaluation – written and verbal from participants.
  3. Write a report and reflection:
    1. Goals and objectives of the project
    2. Detailed design outline of the session(s)
    3. Include all handouts materials used for the session(s)
    4. Summary of written evaluations
    5. A reflection on your experience (about 10 pages) as a leader that demonstrate incorporation of learning from class and reading.
Pre-Course Assignment: Read The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb. Pay attention to multicultural gatherings between now and March 17. Keep a journal of your reflections on the dynamics and concerns that you observed in multicultural gathering.

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