Friday, September 26, 2014


Here is the syllabus for our latest CLP(CRE) class
Presbytery of San Francisco Education Center Class
September 26-27, 2014

Instructors: Charie Reid,, 925 937-3032
Susan Hunn,, 925 938-3362

This course is open to CRE (CLP) candidates as well as others interested in educational ministry in the church.

Course Description
This course explores Christian education and spiritual formation in both formal and informal settings. It explores the role of Christian nurture in building up disciples, in a Presbyterian and Reformed context. It offers opportunity for broad program planning to address educational and formation needs, especially of adults; a review of selected resources; and experiences in prayerful approaches with Scripture that participants can then use in their congregational setting.

Required Reading
Prior to class: The chapter on lesson planning in Basic Skills for Church Teachers, 2005 edition, Donald Griggs, available on at minimum cost.
After class: Spring 2013 issue of Lifelong Faith (, Innovations in Faith Formation. Read online.

Suggested Reading; Resources for Your Library
Rabbi Jesus, Learning from the Master Teacher, Stephen Jones (
Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development, James Fowler ( introduces the development theories of Erickson, Piaget and Kohlberg.

Pre-course Assignment DUE on Friday evening
Prepare a 15-minute presentation of a “class” your have led (or would lead) in your specific area of ministry, to illustrate your own skill set. Share also where that 15-minute segment fits in the overall plan or program of the church’s ministry of education and nurture.

Final Assignment DUE October 15.
From Spring or Winter 2013 issues of Lifelong Faith (, pick at least three articles to read. (Part 1) Prepare written critique or comments on each. (Part 2) Choose one of these and write a more detailed description of how you would apply this in your own ministry, including a plan of action and rationale. Minimum of 1 page for each part (1 & 2).

Course Requirements:
  • Attendance at both class sessions.
  • Completion of all required readings and assignments.