Friday, June 19, 2015

Incubating New Sustainable/Missional Ministries

For the past year San Francisco Presbytery has been offering
training in preparation for the incubation of
new ministries in our communities.
This coming year we are getting serious about our
 first start-up programs in the Spring of 2016.
We are working with The Rev. Eric Law and the Kaleidoscope Institute
to offer training in the tools and experience of building
authentic, honest, loving communities across our cultures and differences.
 In the Fall of 2015 we will be offering a 5 week workshop
 for building Gracious Leaders.
And then in April of 2016 we will host our
first Holy Currencies training
where we will learn the skills and tools of
incubating sustainable/missional ministries
and working with our partner to lay the
groundwork for our first New Ministries.
 Make plans now for attending this important Institute. 

April 7 - 12, 2016 - San Anselmo, CA 
@ San Francisco Theological Seminary
Northern California Kaleidoscope Institute  
 Holy Currencies: 
Creating Sustainable Missional Ministries 
And Gracious Leadership Training
Led by Eric Law
This will be the first opportunity for the incubation of 
New Sustainable/Missional Ministry Projects
supported by the Presbytery of San Francisco
* * * * * * * * *
  more information @ “” 
and Eric Law blog @ “”